
Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Rythm of God in the Time of Pandemic

 He has made everything beautiful in its time.

Also He has put eternity in their hearts,

except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.

- Ecclesiastes 3:11 -


Rhythm is a song that is carefully composed by the creator, whether it is a song that creates a beautiful hum, or a poetry that produce stunning tones and stresses to be enjoyed.


Everyone wants to have a wonderful time in his life. They try various ways, some try to please themselves, some try to please the people they love, but the truth is that life is not always as smooth as it seems. Not always the efforts put in, either for himself or for others, yield the same results as desired. There are many disappointments, restlessness, bitterness, miseries that make human life anything but beautiful. Especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. All human movements are restricted. Everyone is recommended to stay at home. Everyone gets stressed, some even get depressed, because, in addition to having limited space, they also experience losses, whether they are jobs, the loss of loved ones, failed plans, etc. This dire situation is sweeping the world. It was as if the whole world, with various countries in it, stopped moving. Is God also stopping at work? Of course not, on the contrary, this pandemic condition fulfills what is written in the Bible:


Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.

-Proverbs 19:21-


We see that how great and powerful a person, a company/institution, or even a country cannot fight something that is so small, even invisible, that God allows to happen, namely the coronavirus. GOD IS GREAT !!!


At this point, we may try to understand the greatness of God. However, if we want to think in terms of the beauty of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is completely undesirable, and that God makes everything beautiful in its time, then one of the questions that arise is:


What is beautiful in this time of pandemic?



Of course, it is not easy to answer the question above. Especially if we imagine those who are affected by this condition.


While thinking about this question, the author remembered a weak woman named Mary Magdalene. What happened was, at that time, all the followers of the Lord Jesus were told by the Lord Jesus Himself that He would be handed over to the rulers, that He would be tortured, and that He would be crucified.


This announcement of the Lord Jesus was like a thunder in the daytime. How could this be? The disciples had left everything to follow Him. And, at that time, their ministry was under the leadership of the Lord Jesus - their Teacher was in great shape. They felt that their sacrifice in following the Lord Jesus would soon be paid off. They would become famous, have their respective positions with all the advantages. However, the Lord Jesus will be crucified? No way ... That's why Peter rebuked the Lord Jesus, but the Lord Jesus rebuked him harshly, even calling him a devil (Matthew 16:23). What Peter was worried about is perfectly understandable. Other than thinking about their own future, which student has the heart to experience such a thing? This is too cruel.



What would happen was a situation or disaster that the students did not want. They were sad and they tried to block it, like what Peter did. However, during this time, there was one person, and the only one who "clicked with" (correctly understood) God's intentions. That person was Mary Magdalene. Because of her sharp understanding of God's timing, she did an unusual action, namely she anointed the Lord Jesus' feet with very expensive oil. Everyone didn't understand the meaning of her actions and scolded him. Only Jesus understood, and Jesus made known its meaning, which was this act as preparation for His burial. (John 12: 1-8)



Mary followed God very carefully in listening and understanding His Word, that's why even though everyone listened to God's Word, only Mary was sensitive, that God's time was almost here, and she had to prepare something for His death. I believe Mary was very sad, but she had to do something to send Him off. And, his deeds are remembered by all believers to this day.


When included in the rhythm of a song or poetry, this period is a time with a sad rhythm, or a low pitch. Unlike the rhythm of His birth, which was so lively, or the rhythm of His exuberant ministry, this was the rhythm of His death.


Each of us can understand the beautiful rhythm when He was born, which is connecting eternity with mortality, so that mortal humans have the hope of entering into eternity.


We can also understand the beautiful rhythm of His ministry, He taught, He did miracles, a sign of the presence of the Divine in this world.


But, what was good about His death which was about to happen? His death was nothing beautiful if, it was just an ordinary death, but it became beautiful and had to be prepared for, because His death was related to eternity, namely to atone for human sins, and so that everyone who believed in Him may have the eternal life. Also, if His death had not occurred, His coming to earth would be in vain.


That's why, Mary, even though she was sad, she prepared by anointing Him. Even though the condition at that time was almost impossible for her to do, and she was scolded by the "great" people around her, however, she did it because she knew the meaning of eternity in the death of the Lord Jesus. She, and she alone is the only person who has had the opportunity to do this very precious and always remembered thing. Because she knows to follow the rhythm of the Lord Jesus.


This is not the rhythm of birth, not the rhythm of service, but the rhythm of death. And, all rhythms are beautiful, valuable, and are a momentum.




Want to do something momentum?


Get to know and follow God's rhythm.


Getting back to our current situation, what momentum is this? What is God trying to do in the 213 countries that have been stricken with Covid-19? (see


We don't know. However, if we can be sure that there is a big project that God is working on. Because this project was so big, God had to involve so many people.


Everyone has their own part to participate in. Every believer is a puzzle piece to complete God's huge project. Anyone who can find the pieces of the puzzle, he will experience the beauty of following God's rhythm during the Covid-19 pandemic, and he will do something momentum.


If we want to do something momentum, like Mary Magdalene, may God's Word through Solomon guide us: “He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end." (Ecclesiastes 3:11).


Let's try to dive deep into God's work. This pandemic will pass only as a pandemic/plague/disaster if it has nothing to do with eternity. Let me encourage all of us to reflect on each of our own conditions and answer these two questions: (I deliberately put the question regarding eternity first)

 In our respective situations and conditions:


1. What is the relationship between the immortality we experience in our situation, and the conditions of Covid-19?


2. What open opportunities (beauty) can you do at this time, to fulfill answer number 1, which you can't do if you are not on Covid-19?



I hope this article is useful for you.


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 God bless you all.







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